Side altar

Catalogue note author
Maria Działo


The side altar of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Monastery of Reformed Fathers in Wieliczka was created after the church fire in 1718. Before the date of its consecration (1721), it was created along with the other altars located in the temple. It represents the aedicula type – i.e. a single-story, uniaxial structure placed on a pair of supports supporting broken entablature, along with an altar finial – typical of the 18th century. The altar was funded by the Pawłowscy family from Wieliczka. In the main area there is the painting "The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus" by Stefan Chmiel (1943) and a painting depicting St. John Cantius (1809) in an altar finial. Particularly noteworthy is a painted antependium, made in 1809 by Michał Stachowicz – a Polish painter and graphic artist of the Romantic era. Originally, the altar was dedicated to Blessed Kinga of Poland. The altar was built by artisans: Modest Gronalewicz, Beniamin Groński, Faustyn Gawlikowski and Maksym Ptaszkowski- employed at the construction of the burnt temple.

How to cite?

Maria Działo, "Side altar", [in:] "The Sacred Lesser Poland Heritage", 2025, source:

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