High altar

Catalogue note author
Paulina Kluz


The high altar in the St. Sebastian's church in Wieliczka was created in the 1750s. A date "A[NNO]D[OMINI] 1759," appearing on a manual winch of the painting on the back side of the reredos, most likely refers to the creation of the mechanism of raising and lowering the painting, or to the last works carried out at the reredos. The architectural structure of the altar and its sculptural and ornamental decoration were most likely made in the workshop of the Kornecki family of Gdów, as evidenced by their formal features and similarity to other works of this workshop.

How to cite?

Paulina Kluz, "High altar ", [in:] "The Sacred Lesser Poland Heritage", 2024, source:  https://sdm.upjp2.edu.pl/en/works/high-altar-46

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