Procession float with the painting of St. Sophia and St. Barbara

Detailed dimensions
Height without frame – 65 cm
Width without frame – 55 cm
Catalogue note author
Maria Działo


Structure of the procession float was made in the third quarter of the 18th century in the Rococo style. On one side there is a painting of Saint Barbara from around the mid-18th century. The saint was depicted in the classic iconographic convention with traditional attributes in her hands - a chalice with a host, obtained from an angel before her execution, brought to prison and with the sword with which she was beheaded. Unfortunately, archival sources do not reveal the author of a work of undoubtedly high artistic level. On the other side of the procession float there is an image of Saint Sophia with her daughters from the second half of the 19th century.

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How to cite?

Maria Działo, "Procession float with the painting of St. Sophia and St. Barbara", [in:] "The Sacred Lesser Poland Heritage", 2025, source:

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