St. John the Baptist

St. Nicolas' parish in Gorenice
Catalogue note author
Justyna Kuska


The southern side altar, with the relief of Saint John the Baptist in its altar finial, was erected in the third quarter of the 17th century (before 1673) probably from the foundation of Krystyna Dembian (Dembińska), Karol Shembek's widow. Karol Szembek was one of the builders-funders of the temple in Gorenice. The creation of the relief in question should also be dated at this time. The Saint is depicted according to Western iconographic tradition with his attribute in the form of a lamb symbolizing Christ, whose coming was proclaimed by John during his work on the Jordan River (Lk 3:7-14; Mt 3:7-10; Mk 1:8).

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How to cite?

Justyna Kuska, "St. John the Baptist", [in:] "The Sacred Lesser Poland Heritage", 2024, source:

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