High altar

Catalogue note author
Maria Działo


The altar was presumably created shortly after the temple was built, i.e. after 1906. It was built in the eclectic style, with dominating neo-gothic and neo-renaissance elements. The main area of the altar contains a painting of the Holy Family, painted in the 17th century. The sliding panel features a painting of Christ Crucified, and the sides are flanked by sculptures of St. Peter (on the left) and St. Paul (on the right). In the finial, a statue of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is placed in a semi-spherical recess. Unfortunately, archival sources neither reveal the author nor funders of the work.

How to cite?

Maria Działo, "High altar", [in:] "The Sacred Lesser Poland Heritage", 2024, source:  https://sdm.upjp2.edu.pl/en/works/high-altar-35

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