Southern side altar

St. Nicolas' parish in Gorenice
Catalogue note author
Justyna Kuska


The altar in question was built in the third quarter of the 17th century (before 1673), probably from the foundation of Krystyna Dembian (Dembińska), Karol Shembek's widow. Karol Szembek was one of the builders-funders of the temple in Gorenice. It has early baroque features, which is evidenced by a single space static architectural form and the use of auricular ornament, popular around the the mid-17th century. It is worth noting the painting of St. Anthony of Padua in the main area of the altar. It was created in 1691, as evidenced by the inscription placed on the canvas. The antepedium of the altar could originally have been decorated with a figural representation, as in case of identical northern side altar, but it has not been preserved to this day.

How to cite?

Justyna Kuska, "Southern side altar ", [in:] "The Sacred Lesser Poland Heritage", 2024, source:

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