The altar of Saint Joachim and Saint Anne and the twin altar of Saint Joseph were made within one order, at the same time and in the same wood carving workshop. Created at the beginning of the 18th century, before 1728. The painting of Saint Sebastian is a work of unidentified authorship and history. Recent restoration research has shown that the painting was not originally intended for the reredos, where it is currently located. In formal terms, the work seems to be contemporary to the altar of Saint Joachim and Saint Anne. Saint Sebastian presented in the painting lived in the 4th century. According to legend, he was an officer in the guard of Emperor Diocletian, who was tortured for believing Christ. They tied him to a tree (or pole) and killed by arrows. In art, he is most often depicted as a young, naked man tied to a tree trunk with his body pierced by arrows. This is how he was depicted in the discussed painting in the finial of the altar of Saint Joachim and Saint Anne.
Justyna Kuska, "St. Sebastian", [in:] "The Sacred Lesser Poland Heritage", 2025, source: