The painting of Saint Barbara, according to father Piotr Strzelichowski, was given to the church by father Szymon Warmusiński (parish priest in 1839-1847). This work of unknown origin and authorship was probably created in the first quarter of the 18th century, as evidenced by formal features and the flaming acanthus characteristic of works created at the beginning of the 18th century. The image is currently mounted on a console created from a scrollwork. This console was originally an element of the Mannerist altar finial of Saint Nicholas. It probably served as the basis for the non-preserved statue of the saint, which crowned the altar. Saint Barbara was put on it at an unknown time. Until the last restoration works of the altar of Saint Nicholas in the years 1982-1984, the painting with a console was displayed in the finial of this altar above the painting of Saint Benedict. Saint Barbara was presented in accordance with the traditional iconography as a young woman in rich robes, holding her attributes: chalice with the host, palm of martyrdom and sword. Two towers shown in the background of the painting also perform the function of the attribute.
Justyna Kuska, "St. Barbara", [in:] "The Sacred Lesser Poland Heritage", 2025, source: