Northern side altar

St. Martin's parish in Krempachy
Catalogue note author
Maria Działo


The altar represents aedicula type of Rococo style reredoses - popular in the 18th century. A characteristic feature of the altar is the domination of sculptural and ornamental decoration over painting decoration. It is particularly visible in the part of the altar finial where there are as many as five carved statues. Unfortunately, research on furnishings of the St. Martin's church carried out so far, due to lack of archival records on the constructors, does not even try to determine a circle of potential authors of the reredoses. The sculpture in the niche in the main area of the altar, representing Our Lady of Lourdes, is newer and was made in the first half of the 20th century. The remaining statues, together with the altar's structure, were created in the second half of the 18th century and form its integral part. The ideological programme of the altar final is particularly interesting. It comprises sculptures of holy Hungarian kings: Stephen, Emeric and Ladislaus, which indicates the attachment of the people and their priests to the Catholic monarchy of the Habsburgs.

How to cite?

Maria Działo, "Northern side altar", [in:] "The Sacred Lesser Poland Heritage", 2024, source:

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