The wall polychrome of the church was created by anonymous painters in several stages. It is assumed that in the years 1656 to 1711. The most important paintings include 14 paintings depicting scenes in Saint John the Baptist's life. The second series of polychromes includes 49 images of saints and blessed people connected with the history of Christianity in Hungary: 4 kings, 2 princes next to the altar, 11 bishops and St. Gunther at the bottom of the chancel's walls, another 15 saints and blessed people (conventuals, martyrs and hermits) under the organ front in the nave on the northern wall and on choir on the western wall. There are also 16 women on the roof truss in the nave, under the ceiling. This part of the polychrome was probably made in 1711, as this date can be seen on the rood beam. The subsequent series of polychromes is the Ten Commandments, painted on the choir front. It depicts keeping or breaking the commandments. These are pictures in lives of peasants, burghers, petty nobility and manor houses in the 17th/18th centuries. Polychrome is all the more valuable as it is the first presentation of a national costume of Orava. The devil was also imagined in six scenes.
Maria Działo, "Chancel wall polychrome", [in:] "The Sacred Lesser Poland Heritage", 2025, source: