Wola Radziszowska

epidemia Jan Długosz Kasa Stefczyka Klasztor Benedyktynów w Tyńcu konfederacja barska konspiracja księstwo zatorskie lokacja partyzantka prawo niemieckie rabacja rejestr poborowy Straż Pożarna szkoła zaraza
Elaboration author
Artur Karpacz



History abstract

The fate of Wola Radziszowska until the end of the 18th century was intertwined with the history of the Benedictine abbey in Tyniec, because the village throughout the Middle Ages and the modern era remained the monastery's endowment. According to Jan Długosz's "Liber beneficiorum dioecesis Cracoviensis", Wola had 14 lans (about 300 ha), primarily playing the role of a farm of the abbey in Tyniec. At the end of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth there were regular skirmishes between the Bar Confederates and Russian troops. After the first partition of Poland in 1772, the village was incorporated into Austria. The confiscated property of the abbey was bought by the Dzieduszycki family, and it has remained in their hands until the 1860s. During the slaughter in 1846, the rebel peasants from Wola attacked the estate in neighbouring Radziszów, but were driven out by parish priest Jan Guth. After the abolition of serfdom, in 1875 the first folk school opened in the village, raised to a two-class rank in 1890. At the beginning of the 20th century, animators of social life appeared in the region, bringing news in the field of cultivation of land and establishing Agricultural Circles or Kasa Stefczyka. During World War I, Hungarian and Czech troops were stationed at school and in the parsonage. After Poland regained independence, the economic crisis severely affected the village, and in the late 1920s more than 500 people left, looking for a job in larger centres. The next war also left its mark on the town, especially in terms of compulsory food supplies and ubiquitous terror. Partisan units of the Polish Peasants' Battalions and the Home Army operated in the region. During the People's Poland period, the town was incorporated into the commune in Sułkowice.

How to cite?

Artur Karpacz, "Wola Radziszowska", [in:] "The Sacred Lesser Poland Heritage", 2025, source:  https://sdm.upjp2.edu.pl/en/places/wola-radziszowska-1

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