Sculpture of St. Ladislaus

Catalogue note author
Maria Działo


Unfortunately, research on furnishings of the church in Podwilk carried out so far, due to lack of archival records on the constructors, does not even try to determine a circle of potential authors of the reredoses and its sculptural decor. St. Ladislaus lived in the 11th century. He was a son of King Béla I of Hungary and the daughter of Mieszko II. He ascended to the Hungarian throne in 1077. He was famous for a saintly life and he was very popular among the subjects. He is the patron of Hungary. In iconography he is presented covered in armour and with the royal insignia. The sculpture presents formal characteristics close to works from the second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century.

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How to cite?

Maria Działo, "Sculpture of St. Ladislaus", [in:] "The Sacred Lesser Poland Heritage", 2024, source:

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